Rethinking due diligence in the age of GenAI

Due Diligence, Streamlined & Simplified

Accelerate your due diligence process with an AI-powered platform that makes sense of raw data in minutes not days

Accomplish more than you thought possible

Unlock Deal Pipeline Velocity

Stop spending days manually processing deal room data. Focus on high-value analysis instead. Kuiper combines industry expertise and GenAI to streamline due diligence, saving investment and finance professionals time and resources.

Kuiper by the Numbers

Harness AI in your diligence process and  evaluate pre-term sheet deals at unprecedented scale and speed, with no additional overhead.

Time saved on data manipulation

Focus more on analysis and significantly reduce manual work

More deals evaluated

Stop worrying about overhead and never miss an opportunity

<5 Minutes on average
From flatfile to metrics

Make faster, data-driven decisions

Let Kuiper do the
Heavy Lifting

Kuiper's GenAI-powered engine quickly adapts to varied investment datasets and handles data cleansing and modeling, delivering clear business insights in minutes instead of days

Simply upload a file and let the Kuiper's agentic AI flows do the rest.
kAI Assistant
Get instant answers to key questions about your data  
Bare Metal
Instant investment-grade diligence data straight from APIs. Counterpartues