GenAI Report Index Score

Get a Score on your Company's Readiness for Generative AI

Kuiper's GRI Report Card provides a snapshot of a company's sustainability performance and their readiness for the transformative potential of generative AI, enabling them to strategically plan for a sustainable and AI-driven future.

Love how Kuiper Shows everything on your current strengths while giving you a score on GEN AI's effect on your company @kuiper_AI 🎉🎉🎉

Joon Park @jpark
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Impressed by your score or need work to improve your GRI score? Kuiper's software can help! Sign up for a demo to have our team show you how Kuiper can help improve your Due Diligence workflow.
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Simple score
powerful effects

Workspace for any type of project

Whether your company is a start-up or an established brand the scoring system will work to prepare you for GEN-AI.

All publicly available data pulled into one easy to read score

Our intelligent AI will pull all publicly available information to show where your companies strengths and areas to improve.

Empower every team with good data

Our standing goal at Kuiper is to speed up the Due Diligence process. Whether that be on your own internal company or researching potential other companies.

Your solution to AI Readiness & Preparations

Easy mass research
Find out how ready your company is for the wave of generative AI in minutes, not weeks.
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Your solution to all due diligence needs.

Real-time research
Our GRI report card is just the first step into the services Kuiper offers. Join the other large VC & PE firms that have stepped up their due diligence process with Kuiper AI.
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AI for the Modern Research Firm

Report Generation in Seconds
Take the first step with our GRI report card and see how prepared a company is. See how much faster our services are at finding financial information about companies.
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Frequently Asked

How to run GRI Report?
Does running the GRI Report cost anything?
Where does the report gather its info?
How long does the report take?
Does Kuiper save the reports generated?
Is there a limit to how many times we can run the report?