Simple tools,
powerful results

Kuiper revolutionizes the way VC and PE firms acquire and analyze company data. By ingesting massive amounts of information from diverse sources like CSV files, PDFs, and databases, Kuiper swiftly extracts key insights such as net dollar retention and other critical metrics. Its intuitive chatbot interface and automatic chart generation empower executives to make informed decisions quickly, while robust data security measures ensure confidentiality and trust.

*No credit card required
Analyze usage trends

Kuiper enables users to effortlessly upload and analyze diverse data sources, including CSV files, PDFs, and database files. This capability allows Kuiper to swiftly extract valuable insights like net dollar retention and other crucial company health metrics, empowering businesses to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis.

Connect and sync your data

Once a company is acquired or requires deeper analysis, Kuiper's dashboard seamlessly integrates with the newly acquired company's data, providing automatic charts and intuitive chatbots. These chatbots allow executives to pose questions in plain English, such as "How much did ARR increase this month?", and receive immediate, data-driven answers, fostering efficient decision-making at the highest levels of the organization.

Build high-performance research teams

Kuiper empowers smaller teams to efficiently perform in-depth exploratory analysis that traditionally required larger teams and substantial time investment. By serving as a virtual copilot, Kuiper streamlines the acquisition process for VC and PE firms, enabling teams of just one or two individuals to accomplish tasks that previously demanded the efforts of 5-10 people.

Evaluate Portfolio Companies Faster

By leveraging Kuiper's File IQ to quickly analyze large datasets and its intuitive chatbot interface for instant answers, VC and PE firms can expedite their due diligence and investment evaluation processes significantly.

Research & Due Diligence  gained stays 100% Secure

We prioritize data security and confidentiality for each company by providing them with their own dedicated account. Information gleaned from our platform remains strictly within the boundaries of that team's account. We implement robust measures to prevent unauthorized access or leakage of data, whether it's restricting access to other language models or enforcing granular role-based access controls (RBAC). This ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel within the respective team, maintaining the highest levels of privacy and trust.

Quickly go from data to good reports

Ingesting massive amounts of company data has never been faster or more streamlined than with Kuiper's ready-made system, eliminating the traditional bottlenecks associated with data onboarding and analysis. This allows teams to focus on uncovering valuable insights rather than wrangling with cumbersome data integration processes.

Frequently Asked

Who is Kuiper AI for?
Does the information from the data files go to outside LLMs?
Can I restrict access to reports or chatbots?
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Can I restrict access to reports or chatbots?
Do you have monthly and yearly billing options?
Will my subscription automatically renew?
What is your VAT number?
What's the fastest way to reach you in case I need help?

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